by cathymahon | Apr 12, 2021 | equine assisted learning, life skills, personal reflection
Brilliant Advice In the early days of my career with horses, I would look forward every year to the 2nd week in April when I could attend the Horse Expo in Albany, Oregon. Leaders and game changers in the field of horsemanship and riding brought their talent and...
by cathymahon | Mar 1, 2021 | equine assisted learning, life coaching with horses, life skills
“OUR REAL POTENTIAL LIES ON THE OTHER SIDE OF OUR GREATEST FEAR” ON MY WAY If you saw me ride today, you’d never believe I was once terrified of getting on a horse. And yet, it took every ounce of courage I could muster the first time I put my leg...
by cathymahon | Feb 2, 2021 | equine assisted learning, life coaching with horses, life skills
“Learning to love yourself does not mean you love others less. Instead, it frees you to love them more!” 950 POUNDS OF FEAR Wave, my beautiful Polish Arab gelding, tied to the ring safely inside the stall, would not stand still. All afternoon, the horses had been...
by cathymahon | Jan 11, 2021 | equine assisted learning, Horse as Teacher, life coaching with horses, life skills, personal reflection
REAL LIFE IS SCARY This past weekend I decided to do something scarier than I’ve ever done before. So scary that I couldn’t convince anyone else to do it with me. No, not sky diving from 10,000 feet or solo climbing Half Dome in Yosemite. I didn’t eat a chocolate...
by cathymahon | Oct 30, 2020 | equine assisted learning, Horse as Teacher, life coaching with horses
“I love mankind, it’s humans I hate”- Linus from Peanuts The Old Pattern-Protect Yourself The first time I worked with the mare, I was full of ideas for applying the new knowledge I’d gained at a recent horsemanship clinic. I’ll have her do this,...
by cathymahon | Aug 25, 2020 | equine assisted learning, life coaching with horses, life skills
“If you try to be everything to everyone, you’ll be nothing to no one.” LETTING GO The sorrel pony stepped into the arena, securely attached to a red, white, and blue rope held by her human partner, Carol. “Daisy” came up to Carol’s hip, which was...